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Three words……they are off! And we all know what I’m talking about
I am reminded of when I met with some old friends recently; I love them for their brutal honesty, quickly dismissing my vanity and asking me why was I bothering with all this brace treatment? In fact, they were almost interrogating me; why was I subjecting myself to this massive pollaver when my teeth were fine anyway? I haplessly defended my corner….

When I see them next they will be eating their words! Let me tell you it was worth every second and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Ok, I concede, my teeth weren’t terrible, certainly not the worst, you have seen the before photos and I will post the results for you all to judge. But it has made me feel better about my smile, it’s not a scientific judgement …. It’s about me and I’m very pleased with the results and thank you to Philip!

I was umming and aaahing for ages as to whether to take the plunge, knowing it was a marginal improvement but I’m so glad I did, as I have benefitted more than what I ever anticipated.
So if you’re half considering having orthodontic treatment…..just do it and get it over with.

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